Game mechanics of Primo Contatto - Version 1.0
By: Flavio on Jan. 15, 2023, 11:03 a.m.
It marks the first public release of Primo Contatto. Together with the other authors, we decided to open all content, both for players and game masters, as a response to recent events on the most famous OGL in the gaming world. In these update notes we detail the game master section since its the one that have been private during the playtest. More information about this choice can be found in the article on the blog.
- New: added chapter "Creating a character", with a focus on how to design a player character from the ground up. with gifts, equipment and main characteristics.
- New: added chapter “Gameplay”, with all the guidelines about managing ability checks, combat and game modes
- New: added chapter “Managing adventures”, with all the contents for our game masters. In particular:
- Added “Narrative situations” section, about designing adventures via easy building-blocks
- Added “Combined actions”, “Montages” and “Sceniarios” sections to help the game master break the rhythm of his adventures and keep players' involvement high
- Added "Ability checks", with tools to enrich the rolls and non-combat challenges for our players
- Added "Rewards" section to help the game master manage the power growth of the characters
- Added section "Create allies, monsters and antagonists", for the design of non-player characters and deep evnironment customizations
- Added section "Adjust the clashes in real time" to help the game master to make more interesting combat situations
- Added section "Create a custom tool" with the guidelines that enable the creation of tools in line with the game master's desire
- Added "Manageing tone and technology" section to help master game refine his personal storytelling style
Last edited by: Flavio on Dec. 16, 2023, 3:58 p.m., edited 1 time in total.