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Solo nei sogni gli uomini sono veramente liberi.
Stories of a world where technology is no more, of ancient monuments resurfacing from the bowels of the earth and of mad men who fight for mere vanity.
Everything went on like every day, until a fortress that came from space hit South America. It was then that magic and technology became one.
In these lands now devoid of technology, the Protectors have invaded Serenity, rare oasis of civilization and home for your community. Will you risk saving it to obtain the Guardian’s favor?
The result of many evenings with friends, a structured but flexible style of play and a challenge to create outstanding adventures on the border between magic and technology.
A paramilitary plane crashed into this area, dumping its precious cargo at the mercy of fortune seekers. A strange portal opened right in the impact area.
On their way, the characters come across small groups of scattered people, intent on scraping together what they can to face the dangers of the rainforest.
The characters, prisoners of the rival gang, are forced to work in the pits, searching a well-known and very precious resource.
A strong smell of incense permeates the air of the small store. Junk and trinkets of all kinds cover the dusty shelves, attracting the attention of passers-by.
A huge celestial crystal is plummeting to earth speed on the planet’s surface. Two tactical explosions in the atmosphere are worth nine figures?
Your seaplane crashed into the Amazon forest and a deep crevasse opened up at the impact site. How will we get out of this hole abandoned by civilization?
in a world like ours but not our world, you and a few companions have survived and now you have finally come to the end of the mission that could guarantee a future for your community.
Diventi, like d20, is a system-agnostic style of play that we believe it will inspire you as much as it has inspired us.
Dolore. Una sensazione che Utu non provava da molto tempo, da ben prima del Lungo Sonno. A quanto pare i figli della terra non sono arrivati al cospetto del Gu…
"Beh, se voi mammalucchi avete finito di fare le belle statuine, vi faccio vedere io come si entra in azione!". La figlia della terra fa schioccare l…