
Our latest stories

Welcome to the Diventi community! On this page we report news on role-playing games, storytelling styles and announcements related to our projects.
The Oracle

What could possibly happen to a newborn if it was exposed from birth to the stone of the gods? What…

2 min
Escape into the ocean

They were traveling at unthinkable speeds for a military submarine, on the other hand hyperio was a…

2 min

Sweat burned his eyes. The muscles were at the limit. The walls were close, yet not so close.

6 min
Origins of The Bubble

“A stormy wind, a glare, an overwhelming shock wave.” That day the media were full of it.

4 min
Dawn of a new era

Dave cursed, wielding his MTM on his wrist. In the last few days the signal was coming and going...…

3 min